
Unsure which bed size works for your pooch?
Take our 2 minute quiz to get a simple personalised recommendation.


Info about Your Dog

Tell us a few things about your dog like their name, their age, which breed and their temperament.


What's Your Style?

Have a think about your home décor. What shade of material do you think would complement your style?


We'll Recommend

Sit tight while we process your responses and recommend a Kippi Dog Bed that will be perfect for you.

So we know which lovely pooch we’re addressing.

Different breeds vary in size!

The older they are the bigger they get.

So we know if you need a more durable cover.

To recommend something that will fit right in.

We’ll send you a copy via email in case you're coming back later.


Voilà! Based on your answers we think both of these options would be well suited to your pooch and your home. If you entered your email we have also sent you a copy of these so you can refer back later.

How many beds you'll need:

Best Fit

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